
BACnet Test Framework

The "BACnet expert" for building automation

When it comes to the use of different devices across manufacturer boundaries in building automation, the BACnet standard standardizes the exchange of data and ensures the interoperability of the products used. Because it is essential that all technical elements actually comply with it, the conformity of new developments is closely monitored by accredited test laboratories. Manufacturers can also use the BACnet Test Framework from Krefeld-based MBS GmbH to make their pre-testing more cost-effective.

From the field device to the control unit and gateway to the control system: the entire data communication comes to a standstill if an element is not fully BACnet-compliant. This is why there are detailed regulations for BACnet communication, which have been applied by accredited test laboratories in conformity tests since 2005. At the end of these tests, manufacturers receive the coveted certificate with proof that the corresponding device is BACnet-compliant.


Time-consuming manual pretesting is not necessary

Free open source software is available for manufacturers who want to put a new BACnet development through its paces in-house in advance. The disadvantage: this work is done manually and can take several months. Depending on the scope of functions, a complete conformity test comprises several thousand individual tests - including a considerable number of potential sources of error. Because many product developers also find pretesting complicated, MBS GmbH developed the BACnet Test Framework (BTF). This reliable, automated tool makes pretesting faster, less labor-intensive and therefore more cost-effective.

BTF is the only software of its kind. It is used as an official tool by all BACnet test laboratories in the certification process. Large BACnet manufacturers also use it to optimally prepare their new developments for the conformity tests. This is because the BTF is based on the official BACnet test package, which consists of the ISO standards 16484-5 and 16484-6, the BACnet standard of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the plans for BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL). This specifies which tests the certification process must include based on the features of a product.


Automated and cost-effective testing in advance

The BACnet Test Framework is a tool from experts for experts that makes pretesting considerably easier, as it implements all the necessary processes in one software package. It is possible to document the results together with network recordings in order to exchange information with the laboratory in the event of deviations. The BTF helps product developers who are new to formal testing to test their devices as error-free as possible. It can also be used to find out where the fault lies in the event of problems in building automation systems in your own laboratory.

The Python scripting language used opens up a wide range of possibilities for the user, who can also write individual scripts. These protocols also have access to the 370 API functions that are made available with the BTF. Corresponding examples are available on the MBS website. Library for BTF scripts '
A test plan tree containing the necessary steps in the appropriate sequence is first created for the configuration. The parameters can be set individually. Prologs can be created on this basis for the respective preparation, for example for checking the functionalities beyond the BACnet standard or for quality assurance: Automated test series can be carried out on the basis of your own test scripts in order to measure the software quality in terms of continuous integration. 


Three versions - also in the rental model

The BACnet Test Framework is available in three versions. With the Light Edition LE, predefined scenarios can be carried out easily and efficiently. The Standard Edition SE was specially developed for creating individual scripts or creating your own analyses. The Premium Edition PR is geared towards the requirements of test laboratories. It contains the Python source code of all test scripts with which it is possible to analyze the test sequence in the debugger. The test scripts can be adapted so that new and modified test scripts can be created and executed on the basis of these tests.

Cost-conscious users have the option of renting each version of the tool on a monthly basis. This means that costs are only incurred when a device is actually due for testing. 

Users are delighted with the handling of the BACnet Test Framework because testing processes are much easier to manage. And using it pays off, because if a device is not optimally prepared for the certification process, high costs can arise: If only a single error is found during the conformity test, part of the test is due again after the revision. Depending on how high the costs for a laboratory day are, such "honorary rounds" can quickly add up to large sums.


Optimally prepared for the certification process

MBS GmbH has been active in BACnet data communication since 1999. Its products and services make manufacturers and their new developments fit for BACnet communication. The BACnet Test Framework is the expert for BACnet conformity in building automation. Based on the current test package, the tool reliably supports users in systematically arranging and automatically carrying out their test runs. The BTF has been in use since 2005, constantly adapted to the standardization requirements and continuously optimized based on customer feedback. With the BACnet Test Framework, every manufacturer can optimally prepare their devices for the BACnet certificate.

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Specialist for special tasks

BACnet interface

When timing is important: UBR-BTF BACnet MS/TP interface

Our BACnet Test Framework BTF makes pretesting much easier for experts. However, if BACnet devices communicate via the RS-485 serial standard, data exchange between the BTF on a Windows computer and the MS/TP fieldbus system (master-slave/token passing) poses major challenges. The solution here is the UBR-BTF - a special router that gives the BTF direct access to MS/TP networks. During testing, it sends data from the BTF computer to the fieldbus and back. The connection to the BACnet Test Framework is established via TCP/IP.

The UBR-BTF is available in two versions: as a desktop device or for the control cabinet.