Automated and cost-effective testing in advance

Library for BTF scripts

The Python scripting language used opens up a wide range of possibilities for the user, who can also write individual scripts. These logs also have access to the 370 API functions that are made available with the BTF. 

Are you looking for a small program that brings the hardware to be tested into a defined state (prologue) before starting the actual test or resets settings after a test?

Then use our Python scripts, which can be used in the BTF as so-called prologs and epilogs.

The user_mbs_iut_module script contains a library of functions that are used by several other prolog/make/epilog scripts. 
As a prerequisite for scripts to access it, the script file needs to be copied to the lib directory of the BTF project, usually to: C:\BTF\Projects\<projectname>\lib .

It can be configured in some parts to match the IUT:
def get_password(self): '''Password for RD/DCC requests''' return 'password'. Please replace the text 'password' by the real password of the IUT (keep the quotation marks)
def get_coldstart_timeout(self): '''Restart (coldstart) Timeout in seconds''' return 45. Please replace this value with the time the IUT needs to perform a coldstart.
def get_warmstart_timeout(self): '''Restart (Warmstart) Timeout in seconds'''' return 45. Please replace this value with the time the IUT needs to perform a warmstart.

Standard-Scripts - zip package
(Version: Jan/2019)
All standard scripts are included in this zip package.

This epilog sets the Out_Of_Service property of the configured Loop-Object of the IUT to 'True'.

This epilog makes BTF cancel the COV-subscription sent to the IUT in the make-script 'make_mbs_13_9_1'.

This epilog cancels the COV subscription that was made during the test.

This epilog deletes all new objects in the IUT.

This epilog deletes all new objects in the IUT.

This epilog deletes all new objects in the IUT.

This epilog deletes all new objects in the IUT.

This epilog sets the time of the IUT to the actual time.

This make-script uses a Trend-Log object of the IUT for DS-RPM-A. The prolog 'prolog_8_20_2' or one of its derivates is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Trend-Log object, these scripts will not work.

This make-script uses a Schedule object of the IUT for DS-WP-A. The prolog 'prolog_8_22_6' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Schedule object, these scripts will not work.

This make-script changes the Present_Value of an object and it is used for a DS-COV-B test.

This make-script changes the Present_Value of an object and it is used for a DS-COV-B test.

This make-script changes the Present_Value of an object and it is used for a DS-COV-B test.

This make-script changes the Present_Value of an object and it is used for a DS-COV-B test.

This make-script makes the TD send a SubscribeCOV-request to the IUT.

This make-script makes the TD send a SubscribeCOV-request to the IUT.

This make-script makes BTF send a SubscribeCOV-Request to the IUT. If the IUT does not support this feature, another way to run the test must be found.

This make-script uses a Trend-Log object of the IUT for DS-RP-A. The prolog 'prolog_mbs_8_18_1' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Trend-Log object, these scripts will not work.

This make-script uses a Trend-Log object of the IUT for DS-RP-A. The prolog 'prolog_mbs_8_18_2' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Trend-Log object, these scripts will not work.

This make-script uses a Schedule object of the IUT for DS-WP-A. The prolog 'prolog_mbs_8_22_1' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Schedule object, these scripts will not work.

This make-script changes the Present_Value of an object and it is used for a DS-COV-B test.

This make-script changes the Present_Value of an object and it is used for a DS-COV-B test. The prolog 'prolog_mbs_9_10_1_4' is required.

This prolog makes BTF clear the Priority_Array of the object that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog makes BTF run the test without the pop-up message 'Configuration Requirements'.

This prolog prepares a Trend-Log object of the IUT to be used for DS-RPM-A. The make-script 'make_8_20_2' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Trend-Log object, these scripts will not work.

This prolog prepares a Trend-Log object of the IUT to be used for DS-RPM-A. The make-script 'make_8_20_2' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Trend-Log object, these scripts will not work.

This prolog prepares the IUT for a DS-COV-B test.

This prolog prepares a Schedule object of the IUT to be used for DS-WP-A. The make-script 'make_8_22_6' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Schedule object, these scripts will not work.

This prolog prepares the IUT for a DS-COV-B test.

This prolog prepares the IUT for a DS-COV-B test.

This prolog prepares a Loop-Object of the IUT for a DS-COV-B test.

This prolog sets UTC_Offset of the IUT to '-180'.

This prolog sets UTC_Offset of the IUT to '180'.

This prolog prepares a Trend-Log object of the IUT to be used for DS-RP-A. The make-script 'make_mbs_8_18_1' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Trend-Log object, these scripts will not work.

This prolog prepares a Trend-Log object of the IUT to be used for DS-RP-A. The make-script 'make_mbs_8_18_2' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Trend-Log object, these scripts will not work.

This prolog prepares a Schedule object of the IUT to be used for DS-WP-A. The make-script 'make_mbs_8_22_1' is required. If the IUT does not have a configurable Schedule object, these scripts will not work.

This prolog prepares the IUT for DS-COV-B. The make-script 'make_mbs_9_10_1_4' is required.

This prolog writes an initial empty list to the list property that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog writes an initial empty list to the list property that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog writes an initial value to the list property that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog writes an initial value to the list property that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog writes an initial list with two entries to the list property that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog writes an initial value to the list property that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog creates the object that is configured in the BTF private parameters.

This prolog prepares the IUT for a Trend-Log test.

Including zip folder with all Scripts for Alarm and Event Management
Version: Jan/2019

Scripts for Alarm and Event Management - zip package
(Version: Jan/2019)
All standard scripts are included in this zip package.

This epilog restores the configured object into a NORMAL condition. The script '' is required. Download

This epilog sets the Object_Property_Reference of the configured Event-Enrollment object to an internal object (analog-input,1) and the Event_Parameters to the type 'out-of-range'. Download

This epilog sets the Object_Property_Reference of the configured Event-Enrollment object to an internal object (analog-input,1) and the Event_Parameters to the type 'out-of-range'. Download

This epilog restores the configured object into a NORMAL condition. The script '' is required. Download

This epilog restores the configured objects into a NORMAL condition. The script '' is required. Download

This epilog restores the configured object into a NORMAL condition. The script '' is required. Download

This epilog restores the configured object into a NORMAL condition. The script '' is required. Download

This epilog restores the configured object into a NORMAL condition. The script '' is required. Download

This epilog restores the IUT after an alarm test. This epilog can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. Download

This make-script generates events in the configured object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

make_8_5_5_external br> This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object in the TD. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes some properties of two objects and it is used for an AE-N-I-B test. Download

This make-script generates events in the configured object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script generates events in the configured object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the configured object according to the BTF private parameters. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script generates events in the configured object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script generates events in the configured object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the configured object according to the BTF private parameters. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script changes the Present_Value of the referenced object. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This make-script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This make-script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This make-script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This make-script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This make-script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required.make_mbs_9_7_2_1 This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response from the IUT during an alarm test. This script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script checks the response of the IUT during an alarm test. This script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This make-script sets an object of the IUT into a normal condition and acknowledges the transitions. This script can only be executed with the right user_data from the prolog. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares an object of the IUT for an AE-N-I-B test. The property 'Event_Enable' is set to (F,F,T). Download

This prolog prepares an object of the IUT for an AE-N-I-B test. The property 'Event_Enable' is set to (T,T,F). Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog changes the event-type of the configured Event-Enrollment object and it is used for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares an Event-Enrollment object with the event type 'Change-Of-Bitstring'. Download

prolog_8_4_1_external_RP_only br> This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The TD is configured to support ReadProperty only (not ReadPropertyMultiple, not SubscribeCOV, not SubscribeCOVProperty). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. Download

This prolog prepares an Event-Enrollment object with the event type 'Change-Of-Bitstring'. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The TD is configured to support ReadProperty only (not ReadPropertyMultiple, not SubscribeCOV, not SubscribeCOVProperty). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. The Object_Property_Reference is set to an external device (TD). The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured Event-Enrollment object for an alarming test. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares two objects of the IUT for an AE-N-I-B test. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the configured object for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. All alarming objects are set into a normal state. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. One alarming object is set into an offnormal state. The script '' is required. # Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. Two alarming object are set into an offnormal state. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. All alarming objects are set into a normal condition. All transitions are acked. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. In some alarming objects alarms are generated but not acked. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. In some alarming objects alarms are generated but not acked. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. In some alarming objects alarms are generated but not acked. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. All alarming objects of the IUT are set into a normal condition. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. All but one alarming objects of the IUT are set into a normal condition. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. All but two alarming objects of the IUT are set into a normal condition. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This prolog prepares the IUT for an alarming test. The script '' is required. Download

This script is a prerequisite for some prolog/make/epilog scripts. It needs to be copied to the lib directory of the BTF project, usually to: C:\BTF\Projects\ \lib
It can be configured in some parts to match the IUT:
def get_password(self): '''Password for RD/DCC requests''' return 'password' Please type in the password and keep the quotation marks!
def get_coldstart_timeout(self): '''Restart (coldstart) Timeout in seconds''' return 45 Please type in the time the IUT needs to perform a coldstart!
def get_warmstart_timeout(self): '''Restart (Warmstart) Timeout in seconds''' return 45 Please type in the time the IUT needs to perform a warmstart! "

Including zip folder with all Scripts for Alarm and Event Management
Version: Jan/2019

Scripts for Scheduling - zip package
(Version: Jan/2019)
All standard scripts are included in this zip package.

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_2 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_10 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_11 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_12 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_13 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_1 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_2 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_3 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_4 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_5 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_6 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_7 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_8 This prolog prepares a Schedule object of the IUT for a Schedule test. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_3_9 This prolog prepares a Schedule object of the IUT for a Schedule test. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_4 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_7 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_10_8 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_11_1 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_11_2 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_12 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Caution: The BTF private parameters must be chosen by the tester according to the configuration requirements. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_5 This prolog prepares a Schedule object of the IUT for a Schedule test. Download

prolog_7_3_2_23_6 This prolog prepares the IUT for a Schedule test according to the BTF private parameters. Download

Including zip folder with all Scripts for Alarm and Event Management
Version: Jan/2019

Scripts for Trending - zip package
(Version: Jan/2019)
All standard scripts are included in this zip package.

epilog_9_21_1_13 This epilog restores the IUT after a trending test. Download

make_7_3_1_10_2 This make-script fulfills the necessary steps in a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

make_7_3_2_24_15 This make-script makes the trend-log object collect one record. The script '' is required. Download

make_7_3_2_24_16_external This make-script disables Step 4 of the test: This is an unnecessary CHECK in the test-specification, because the requests are already checked in Step 3. Download

make_7_3_2_24_17 This make-script generates the necessary records in a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

make_7_3_2_24_18 This make-script generates the necessary records in a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

make_7_3_2_24_8 This make-script reads the Record_Count and the Log_Buffer of the configured trend-log object. The script '' is required. Download

make_mbs_7_3_2_24_10 This make-script fulfills the necessary steps in a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

make_mbs_7_3_2_24_2 This make-script makes the trend-log object collect one record. The script '' is required. Download

make_mbs_7_3_2_24_3 This make-script makes the trend-log object collect one record. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_1_10_2 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_2_24_13 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_2_24_14 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_2_24_15 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT and sets the Logging_Type to 'COV'. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_2_24_16_external This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a tending test and disables the support of 'ReadPropertyMultiple' in the TD. Choose a trend-log object with an external reference! The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_2_24_17 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_2_24_18 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_7_3_2_24_19 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT and sets the Logging_Type to 'triggered'. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_9_21_1_10 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_9_21_1_12_external This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a tending test. Choose a trend-log object with an external reference! The script '' is required. Download

prolog_9_21_1_13 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT and the TD for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_9_21_1_4_1 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_9_21_1_7 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_9_21_1_8 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_9_21_1_9 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_10 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_1 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_2 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a tending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_3 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a tending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_4 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT and sets the Logging_Type to 'polled'. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_5_external This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and sets the Logging_Type to 'COV' . The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_6_1 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_6_2 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_7 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_8 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_7_3_2_24_9 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_9_21_1_1_external_REAL This prolog prepares a trending object of the IUT for a trending test and sets the Log_DeviceObjectProperty with an external REAL property (trend-log) / with external REAL properties (trend-log-multiple). The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_9_21_1_1 This prolog configures a trend-log object of the IUT and generates at least 4 records. Download

prolog_mbs_9_21_1_2 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_9_21_1_3 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

prolog_mbs_9_21_1_4 This prolog prepares a trend-log object of the IUT for a trending test and generates some records. The script '' is required. Download

Including zip folder with all Scripts for Alarm and Event Management
Version: Jan/2019

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