Work areas

The work areas in which you can make a difference



Discover the MBS work areas
Areas in which you would like to support us with our innovations or our customers in solving their technical requirements in industrial and building automation. From exciting challenges in system integration to creative solutions in software development.


In our internal sales department, you will take responsibility for successful customer relations and qualified technical advice. This makes you the first point of contact for our customers.

Recognize and meet the needs and expectations of our customers and stakeholders and align MBS with the market with us. All made in Krefeld.


Do you love solution-oriented consulting activities? As a provider of solutions in the field of building automation, we know that it is not enough to provide the customer with a quality product. Our customers can rely on long-term support even after they have purchased a device.

Hardware development
Our experienced developers, tinkerers and inventors support development projects from the initial idea through to the production of assemblies and devices, as well as circuit design, layout and the production of circuit boards and prototypes. Bring your developer spirit to us.


Software development
Create and develop software and organize and model data structures. We focus on the development and programming of applications for:

  • Embedded under Linux with ANSII-C with various toolchains

  • Windows under .Net and C#

  • Web frontend with JavaScript

in the field of industrial and building automation.

Our solutions are made in Germany - support us in the production of our hardware in Krefeld.

Are methodical test setups your thing? We carry out product tests of all BACnet-capable components (controllers, sensors, actuators, management operating devices) with regard to conformity in accordance with DIN EN ISO 16484-5 or 16484-6.

System integration
Plan and configure our solutions and then set them up on site according to customer requirements.