MBS und logiccloud integrieren gängige Busprotokolle in eine Cloud-Lösung

MBS und logiccloud integrieren gängige Busprotokolle in eine Cloud-Lösung

MBS und logiccloud integrieren gängige Busprotokolle in eine Cloud-Lösung

Firmen-Kooperation treibt Digitalisierung der Gebäudeautomation voran

Krefeld, 03. September 2024 – Als Ergebnis ihrer partnerschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit stellen die MBS GmbH und die logiccloud AG eine gemeinsame Lösung vor, die sowohl Inbetriebnahme als auch Betrieb einer Liegenschaft erheblich vereinfacht. Durch die Integration der bewährten Gateways des Krefelder Spezialisten für die Gebäudeautomation in die Cloud-Lösung des preisgekrönten Buchener Startups können die Sensordaten der Feldebene mit üblichen Busprotokollen wie BACnet, LON, DALI, Modbus etc. gesammelt und mit dem Netzwerkprotokoll MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) weiterverarbeitet werden.

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Tobias Plath is the new Head of Sales

Tobias Plath is the new Head of Sales

Expansion of international sales with a focus on other European countries 

Krefeld, April 16, 2024 - Krefeld-based MBS GmbH has expanded its sales department as of March 1. Since then, Tobias Plath has been in charge of Global Business Development and Sales at the building automation specialist. "We have restructured our sales strategy and will be more active in international acquisitions than before, focusing on other European countries," says Managing Director Nils-Gunnar Fritz. "We are therefore delighted to have gained a proven expert in Tobias Plath, who will actively support us with his extensive expertise."

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MBS makes the ctrlX system from Bosch Rexroth BACnet-capable

MBS makes the ctrlX system from Bosch Rexroth BACnet-capable

The building automation specialist will be presenting the brand new development for BACnet communication with ctrlX Automation for the first time at the joint stand "ctrlX World Partner Area" at SPS 2023

Krefeld, October 24, 2023 - MBS GmbH will be participating in Bosch Rexroth's "ctrlX World Partner Area" at SPS 2023. At the joint stand at the international trade fair for smart and digital automation in Nuremberg, the Krefeld-based company will be showcasing a solution that complements ctrlX Automation with the BACnet bus protocol for the first time. "We are delighted that Bosch Rexroth has brought us on board to make ctrlX Automation fit for BACnet communication," says Nils-Gunnar Fritz, CEO of MBS GmbH. "The SPS is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of this collaboration to users."

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Universal gateways from MBS equipped with Sparkplug driver

Universal gateways from MBS equipped with Sparkplug driver

Edge devices for cloud communication in building automation

Krefeld, May 17, 2022 - The versatile universal gateways from MBS now also have a driver for the Sparkplug bus protocol. Since the devices were equipped with an MQTT driver (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) last fall, they are already fit for use in cloud communication. The Sparkplug driver is based on this open source communication protocol and focuses on the Internet of Things and ensuring interoperability. "Property operators who use MQTT but don't want to model the data to be transferred themselves will find Sparkplug to be a suitable solution," explains Nils-Gunnar Fritz, Managing Director of MBS GmbH. "The latest extension to our universal gateways provides the right firmware for this."

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