MBS presents first BACnet/SC routers in beta version


Since the spring, MBS GmbH has been offering routers for property operators who want to secure the communication connections of their BACnet networks with Secure Connect (BACnet/SC). The relatively new security infrastructure for authenticated, authorized and encrypted data transmission has been implemented in the UBR-01 | Mk II and UBR-02 routers. They route data packets not only between MSTP (RS-485) and IP, but can also connect data to BACnet/SC. In this way, different building automation networks can be connected to each other via a secure communication tunnel - without having to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network).

"We have tested our products both internally and with a number of partners," emphasizes MBS Managing Director Nils-Gunnar Fritz. In addition, a time slot has already been reserved with a test laboratory for the conformity test. Until then, the Krefeld-based building automation specialist is making its customers two attractive offers:

Firstly, interested parties who would like to try out BACnet/SC can now borrow test devices from MBS

Secondly, a joint network for testing with Secure Connect has been set up with Delta Controls. The testing/plugfest with Secure Connect is now available to device developers online and permanently

Both services are now available free of charge.

If you are interested, please contact:

info@mbs-solutions.de ⟩

Further information on the BACnet/SC Plugfest ⟩
Further information on the MBS routers ⟩