In demand | cci Zeitung: MBS - Project controlling with BACnet

MBS GmbH, Krefeld, has recently introduced two innovations to the building automation market which, according to the supplier, can contribute a lot to increasing the quality of BACnet building automation systems. cci Zeitung spoke with MBS managing director Nils-Gunnar Fritz.

cci Zeitung: MBS has developed two plug-ins for its BACnet explorer "BACeye 2.0". These make the "TRIC" planning tool from Mervisoft GmbH, Wiesbaden, usable for the automated testing of BACnet networks and allow the data point configuration to be checked automatically.Nils-Gunnar Fritz: There are often gaps between the planning of networked automation technology in properties and the technical implementation. Either less is implemented than planned or BACnet properties are implemented differently than intended. Checking whether the plans actually correspond to the operator specifications and have actually been implemented used to be a lengthy and time-consuming process, as each data point was checked individually. Simply waiting to see whether the system works as desired is not a professional solution and can result in great dissatisfaction on the part of the client. The new additional modules now considerably simplify project controlling in building automation for planners and integrators.

cci Zeitung: Why did you choose the "TRIC" planning tool?
Fritz : From our point of view, "TRIC" has established itself as a quasi-standard for planners and contractors in building automation. We also have a long and trusting partnership with Mervisoft. So it was obvious that we should be the first to link to "TRIC".

cci Zeitung: Can you briefly describe how the plug-ins work?
Fritz: Our BACnet Explorer accesses BACnet networks (BACnet devices and their BACnet objects and properties) and visualizes all data. The plug-ins check whether all planned data points have been implemented and whether the parameterization of the data points, i.e. the default setting of the properties, also corresponds to the desired state. The plug-ins therefore automatically merge the planning target with the actual status of the completed GAA system. As "BACeye" accesses the system data of the "TRIC" project planning, these can be linked to the BACnet data points.

cci Zeitung: What are the advantages of your solution?
Fritz : Planners and integrators can use the plug-in to check and document that they have provided the services requested by the operators. Operators thus have a tool with which they can verify the quality of their building automation. This simplifies the testing process in the implementation phase and saves costs.

The questions were asked by Rolf Grupp, cci Zeitung,