MBS presents new universal gateways for LCN and KNX + M-Bus

The new Universal Gateways combine the proven functionality of MBS products with exceptional customization capabilities in a small and robust metal housing.

With the two universal gateways LCN and KNX + M-Bus, the building automation specialist from Krefeld is expanding its gateway portfolio with two versatile and upgradeable devices.

"The link between different protocol languages and technologies is becoming increasingly important in building technology," explains Nils-Gunnar Fritz, CEO of MBS GmbH. "We are therefore continuing to expand our Universal Gateway series," he continues. "The LCN gateway with integrated USB coupler for connection to LCN (Local Control Network) enables simple connection of the LCN system to existing bus systems and, with the option of semi-automatic configuration, commissioning the gateway is then just a small matter," adds Fritz.

With the integrated protocol hardware adapters for M-Bus and KNX, the KNX + M-Bus gateway makes it possible to connect M-Bus meters to a KNX bus without additional hardware. This significantly reduces cabling and installation costs.

Web interface

The new gateways also have an updated web interface for configuration and analysis. This considerably simplifies the configuration of the devices and therefore enables faster commissioning. In addition, the web interface offers the possibility to use the various upgrade options of the MBS gateways, for example the activation of up to 2,500 data points.

By activating the Dropbox option, trend data can be recorded and intelligent backups of the gateway configuration can be created, among other things. This option can also be used as a basis for redundant systems.

It is also possible to edit the gateway's configuration files directly via the web interface. A download and subsequent upload is not necessary - the configuration is saved permanently on the gateway.

The web services interface can be activated in addition to the respective drivers and is used, for example, to operate the MBS Gateway with the MBS App "UGW Remote" or simply to query data points via HTTP/HTTPS access.

In a BACnet implementation, the devices automatically create EDE files of the currently configured server data points. These can be loaded by the gateway via the web server.

Exceptional versatility and flexibility                        

The MBS gateways are based on a product platform and therefore offer exceptional versatility and flexibility for adapting to changing requirements - this advantage leads to particularly low overall costs: there is no need to purchase a new gateway, as new functions can be easily activated thanks to the adaptability. "The new MBS X-Series gateways therefore have numerous functions that help our customers to reduce downtimes, shorten integration times and cut costs in the long term," explains Nils-G. Fritz, CEO of MBS GmbH.

Further product details: Features

All important communication protocols are available for the devices, so they offer a suitable solution for every requirement. Manufacturer-specific communication protocols can also be implemented on request.

The gateways have a real-time clock and an optional memory card, which can be used to record trend log data, for example. The ARM9 processor offers maximum performance so that data can be processed for all central applications.

The new MBS gateways are now available at MBS in Krefeld.