A new version BTF is available for download

A new version BTF is available for download.

Main new features are:

  1. BTF will now be using Python 3.8 for scripting instead of the former Python 2.7 support
    Besides the fact, that we had intended to do the transition for some time now anyways there two urgent reasons to do the transition immediately:
    - Python 2 will no longer be supported by the Python community.
    - Python 2 extensions on Windows can only be compiled with an older version of the Windows development system. But for some of the newer BACnet features we need newer libraries, that only compile with relatively recent versions of the Windows development system.

    For customer scripts like prolog, epilog and makefiles we think that in most cases only small adjustments or even no changes will be required. When we learn of common pitfalls in support we will prepare a transition guide for the most typical cases. If you use any third party Python modules or if you have created your own Python modules you need to get versions of these libraries, that are compatible with Python 3.8.

  2. Support for BACnet protocol revision 22
    BTF as a device simulator can provide all the objects and properties from BACnet protocol revision 22. From scripts you can read and write all these properties as BACnet client functionality.

  3. Support for using testscripts from an official BTL testpackage and tests from addenda or interim testpackages in the same project
    At the moment we support BTL testpackage 15.2 and some of the addenda, that will lead to testpackage 16.

The BTF_Fullinstall is required for the update from a BTF version 15.1.x.x or older (BTF_Patch is not sufficient in these cases).

As usual a number of fixes and improvements have been implemented in testscripts, API and GUI. For full description of enhancements and corrections please see details in the Release notes. Release notes are available in the download area.

DEPRECATION WARNING for Window 7 and for Windows 8
We intend to stop support for using BTF on Windows 7 and Windows 8 some time in 2021. Reason is, that support for these versions by Microsoft has stopped. It starts to become difficult to ensure, that libraries and utilities, that BTF depends upon are available on these old systems.

Download and access information:
You can download BTF from:
Host: ftp.mbs-software.info
User: BTF
Password: Conformance
(user and password are upper/lower case sensitive!)

Or just follow this URL:

Some web browsers do not follow the user/password from the URL but login as guest instead. You will access the wrong directory then. In that case please use a dedicated ftp client like Filezilla.

With best regards,

Your BTF Team