Prerelease version BTF is available for download

Dear BTF customer,

A prerelease version BTF is available for download.
Main new features are:

  • low level support for BACnet protocol revision 20

  • major internal refactorings to support protocol revisions above BTL testpackage

If no serious regressions come up we want to do a release based on that version in September 2019. The BTF_Fullinstall is required for the update from a BTF version 14.0.2.x or older (BTF_Patch is not sufficient in these cases).

We provide the prerelease so our customers have the chance to do verification against their devices in their testing environment. Please provide feedback on any remaining problems, that you might find in the new version so we can eliminate any glitches before the actual release. We would be very happy also in case you notify us if everything works fine.

We may provide updated prerelease versions over the next couple of days without extra notice. According to the current schedule we expect the release by end of September.

As usual a number of fixes and improvements have been implemented in testscripts, API and GUI. For full description of enhancements and corrections please see details in the Release notes. Release notes are available in the download area.


Since version 14.0.3.x BTF can not be executed on Windows XP. The changes we implemented to achieve Windows 10 support broke Windows XP compatibility.

Download and access information:

You can download BTF from:
User: BTF
Password: Conformance
(user and password are upper/lower case sensitive!)

Or just follow this URL:

Some web browsers do not follow the user/password from the URL but login as guest instead. You will access the wrong directory then. In that case please use a dedicated ftp client like Filezilla.

With best regards,

BTF team