
Smooth data exchange between industrial and building automation 

Control technology and Scada systems for industrial automation are increasingly growing together with building automation. The bus protocol BACnet (Building Automation and Control Networks) is now most commonly used to integrate devices at field level into the network of a property. Building management systems, on the other hand, are often based on Open Platform Communications (OPC) or its latest specification, Unified Architecture (UA), which has become the most important communication standard on the road to Industry 4.0.



For all newer Windows versions

MBS has developed OPC-2-BACnet so that these two worlds can communicate smoothly with each other. This software solution can be used with all newer Windows versions. It is suitable for all customers who require a client for data communication between OPC (Open Platform Communication) and BACnet (Building Automation and Control Networks). An additional plus point: the completely redesigned, easier-to-use interface for configuration is based on the separation of service and operation. This simplifies commissioning considerably.

The OPC-2-BACnet software solution acts as an intermediary between industrial automation on the one hand and building automation on the other. When field devices for temperature measurement or air conditioning control exchange data via BACnet, while the control technology is based on OPC, OPC-2-BACnet ensures problem-free data communication between the two worlds. Of course, this also works the other way round, for example to make data from PLC systems with OPC available to a control system with BACnet. As a successor solution for systems with an older BACnet OPC client from MBS, it is based on many years of experience and guarantees reliable application.


User-friendly interface 

The system is very easy to parameterize during installation, as the BACnet data can be automatically transferred to OPC with just a few mouse clicks. However, it is also possible to set up the configuration individually and in more detail. Basically, if you want to put your systems into operation quickly, easily and cost-effectively, OPC-2-BACnet is the right solution for you.


Protected data communication

During development, the Krefeld-based manufacturer also took the BACnet/SC (Secure Connect) security architecture into account. It protects the most popular standard in building automation by restricting access, authentication, authorization and encryption with comparatively little effort. The mechanisms used for this have already proven themselves in information technology. Users therefore also benefit from the option of securing data exchange with BACnet/SC - for the best possible protection of their systems.


Many years of experience for problem-free communication

MBS GmbH has been part of the BACnet community for 25 years and is a member of BIG-EU and BACnet International. With this expertise, the company stands for the reliability of its products, software solutions and services. OPC-2-BACnet is the latest in a series of products that the BACnet specialist has developed for smooth communication between the BACnet and OPC UA worlds.

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