Services and prices

Our accredited BACnet test laboratory carries out conformity tests to prove compliance with the BACnet standard 'DIN EN ISO 16484-5'. The test process is based on the current BTL test plan and the 'DIN EN ISO 16484-6' test standard.

Information on the currently valid BTL test plan with comprehensive test documentation can be found on the BACnet Testing Laboratories website:

For details on the current versions of the standards, the testable content, the scope of the conformity tests or questions about the testing and certification process, please contact the laboratory management:

Conformity tests

Handover to the test laboratory

  • Check for obvious (transport) damage

  • Checking the completeness of the devices and documentation

  • Connecting the IUT to the network

  • Function test of the IUT

Checking the documents 

  • PICS


  • IUT checklist

  • Product documentation

  • Guide for manual testing

  • EPICS consistency check

Carrying out the conformity check

  • The conformity test is carried out in accordance with the current test plan.

Test result

  • As a result of the tests, we will either send you an error report with documentation of the reproducibility or a test report if no standard deviations were found.

  • We will send the relevant report by e-mail on request

Completion of the audit

  • Return of the IUT after completion of all tests

Prices on request