BACnet/SC in a campus network (variant 2)



BACnet/SC in a campus network (variant 2)

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  • A control center on a campus network with a large number of participants that are networked via the intranet. Data exchange in building automation is currently handled via BACnet/IPv4. An example of an application could be a hospital or university campus.

    The building management system (BMS), which accesses the technical building systems in individual buildings and groups of buildings via the intranet, is located in the control center. A local IP subnet for general data traffic is shown on the right-hand side and the local BMS network on the left-hand side. Both subnets are connected to the network via IP routers.

  • The technical building systems are virtually islands of local networks that exchange their data with BACnet/IPv4. The initial connection setup in BACnet is carried out with the support of so-called BACnet Broadcast Management Devices (BBMD), which requires complex configuration. The data packets are not only sent unencrypted, but can also be viewed - and possibly modified - by all participants in the other subnetwork.

  • A UBR-01 can be used in both subnets to physically secure the technical building systems. Its network card is used to route only BACnet/SC data in each subnet. In this way, data traffic on the intranet is encrypted. In addition, the individual devices no longer communicate independently via the intranet, but always via the UBR-01.

  • In a local campus network with subnets, the UBR-01 can not only provide the greatest possible security, but also considerably simplify the configuration of the end devices. 


Before - After presentation

BACnet/IPv4 - BBMD - BACnet/SC

BACnet in the campus network

BACnet/IPv4 - BBMD



BACnet/SC in a campus network (variant 2) | BACnet/IPv4 - BBMD

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BACnet/SC in a campus network (variant 2) | BACnet/SC

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Firewall options

The firewalls must allow UDP (User Datagram Protocol) from every BACnet device in the network to every other BACnet device.

Firewalls can restrict BACnet traffic with TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) to the BACnet/SC routers in the individual subnets. 



IP configuration of the individual BACnet devices

Each BACnet device must, for example, be configured with a default route to the local IP router/firewall so that it can reach all other BACnet devices.

The BACnet devices only need to communicate directly with the other devices, including the SC-Rout, in the local GA network. Separate IP routing across the entire campus network is not required.



Security in the campus network

BACnet traffic in the campus network is unencrypted and unsecured via BACnet/IPv4.

BACnet traffic in the campus network is encrypted and secured via BACnet/SC.



BBMD configuration


not required


Our tip: MBS GmbH can support companies in the transition from BACnet/IPv4 to BACnet/SC: 

  • starting with the inventory of a property and 

  • network analysis via 

  • the development of proposals for solutions and implementation 

  • until delivery and 

  • the installation of BACnet/SC-capable devices 

  • as a complete service or as individual services (such as training courses).

Ask us - we will be happy to help you.