BACnet Stack Embedded 2021.png

Third Party Product | Powered by MBS

BACnet stack | Embedded

The functional scope of the BACnet stack | Embedded is suitable for the development of BACnet servers according to all common profiles such as: B-SS, B-SA, B-ASC, B-AAC ... etc. Datalayer: IP, Ethernet, MS/TP and BACnet/SC. It supports developers in the implementation of BACnet-compliant applications that are executed on embedded applications. The time saved in the development process is usually many months.

The stacks from CS-Lab plus our services relieve the burden on manufacturers as well as developers who have to implement the communication standard and make their work much easier. Of course, every revision of the standard is incorporated into the software stack. The current revision 26 with the brand new security infrastructure Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) is already available for programming.


Discover functions

BACnet-compliant routines for operation
Routines of the BACnet stack | Embedded for Micro Controller take over the standard-compliant operation of the BACnet protocol

The development of standard-compliant applications is made much easier.

automation stations can be programmed in the same way as small devices (such as heat meters).

Many details are handled automatically:
For example, the functionality of the BACnet objects is implemented as an object database. In addition, various mechanisms and fallbacks for obtaining values from field devices have been built into the code.

Powered by MBS
With the BACnet stack | Embedded for Micro Controller, CS-Lab continues the functionality and reliability of the MBS software.

Protocol revision 26
The CS-Lab BACnet stack | Embedded for Micro Controller supports protocol revision 26

Typical device profiles
Ideal for the implementation of: e.g. B-SS, B-SA, B-ASC, B-AAC profiles ... etc.

Target hardware
The BACnet stack | Embedded is aimed at modern microcontroller systems such as: 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 or similar

Can be used without an operating system
The BACnet stack | Embedded can be used without an operating system. It is also designed to work with typical real-time systems such as Keil RTX, ThreadX or similar.

Technical data

Protocol compliance
The BACnet stack | Embedded for Micro Controller, in combination with the correct implementation on the user's side, ensures accurate implementation of the BACnet protocol.

Integrated object database
The BACnet stack | Embedded for Micro Controller offers you ready-to-use solutions for all supported standard object types. High-level API for setting and retrieving 'property values' and for retrieving feedback in the event of changes.

Implementation language
Stack and API are implemented in standard C.

Static memory allocation
All memory resources for the BACnet stack | Embedded for Micro Controller are allocated at initialization time.

System resources tailored to the required functionalities
Macros control the optional functionalities in great detail. Code and memory resources are only output on the configured product features.


All license models include one day of training at CS-Lab in Krefeld


Pretesting Services
Pretesting according to BTL in preparation for your certification.

Maintenance contract and product support
e.g. regular updates.

Additional development services
We also offer individual development services for the BACnet stack | Embedded - from the initial idea through to completion.

BACnet stack | Embedded Datalayer

  • IPv4, IPv6, BACnet/SC

  • Ethernet

  • BACnet MS/TP

    The functional scope of the stack is suitable for the development of BACnet servers according to profile:
    e.g. : B-SS, B-SA, B-ASC, B-AAC ... etc.

    The current revision 26 with the brand new security infrastructure Secure Connect(BACnet/SC) is already available for programming.

License models

The BACnet stack has been created for the development of BACnet standard-compliant applications. The complete C source code is issued after signing the license agreement. All license models include one day of training at CS-Lab in Krefeld.

Library Leasing p.a.
The program library is made available for use for a limited period of time.

Library buyout
The program library is made available for use on a permanent basis.

Source buyout
The source code is made permanently available for use.

Open source software licenses

CS-Lab software may contain open source software. A list of possible software and the license conditions of the software packages can be found at: