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Find out more about the possibilities of BACeye/SC and download a free trial version of the "Swiss army knife" for building automation.

Different tasks, a single tool

BACeye/SC is based on the BACnet standard in protocol revision 22 and establishes a direct relationship between the field level and the control technology. The entire network with all its devices is recorded and displayed in a clearly structured manner based on the BACnet structure so that the user can easily access it. For each device at field level, its properties can be displayed in a list in which you can not only search but also sort. Properties can also be displayed and edited for the individual objects.

In addition to these basic functions, other features are available to analyze BACnet networks, such as:

  • The communication can be recorded in packet logs in order to record the read and written values. These packet logs can then be visualized using appropriate software (wireshark).

  • Data point lists can be generated as EDE files.

  • Export of system-specific formatted data point lists is possible.

  • Trend log data can be read out, displayed in list form or graphically and exported to document the exchange of information.

  • Timer schedules can be displayed and parameterized graphically and clearly.

  • Object properties can be exported as a csv file in order to open them in text or spreadsheet programs.

  • The backup/restore function helps to back up and restore data from BACnet devices independently of the product.

  • BACnet Port Object can be displayed and fully visualized with all properties in the interface.

  • A system status can be mapped as a snapshot, which can be both exported and imported again. This allows the status documented as a snapshot during commissioning to be compared with the current system status in the event of faults, for example.