BACeye software release notes

2024-05-24 (Latest)

New Feature:

  • Support for displaying and modifying all the objects and properties introduced with BACnet protocol revision 24.

  • BACnet protocol revision 25 supported.

  • Support for dynamic device assignment (DM-DDA-A).


  • Replaced the terms "Master" and "Slave" by the newly defined terms "Manager" and "Subordinate".

  • For SC the device scan will start after successful connection.

  • Reduced the number of ReadBDT requests for BBMD detection during device scan for better performance.

  • Reduced memory consumption generating export files for large installations.

  • Network Port view shows new tab of network type specific properties for protocol level BACnetApplication.


  • Solved memory leaks in file exports and in repeated device scans.

Several bugfixes and small improvements


New Feature:

  • Detection of inconsistencies in BACnet networks. Duplicate device ID and duplicate BACnet router to the same network will be detected in the network scan


  • In display of BACnet network numbers the network, that BACeye is directly connected too, is now marked as "Local(###)". First versions of BACeye used the number zero for that purpose, recent versions started with zero but changed to the actual number after learning the real network number

  • New detailed dialogs for displaying and modifying Event Parameters and Fault Parameters in Event Enrollment objects

  • Improved work flow in dialog for assigning custom unit names


  • Incomplete Foreign Device configuration could formerly crash on save

  • In rare cases the dialog for "Demo Version" would pop up even in a licensed product

  • The new "Floating License" can now be used over a RDP remote session

Several bugfixes and small improvements


New Feature:

  • Display of a "connection state", that will show whether BACeye is successfully connected to the BACnet network.

  • Support for Dynamic Object Binding. BACeye can now initiate WhoHas requests and display IHave answers.

  • For the "Floating License" we support a new type of dongle which does not require a low level device driver. This should reduce problems with windows updates.

  • Support for issuing LifeSafetyOperation requests.


  • Better fallback strategies when reading and writing file object contents


  • FailoverHub setting for BACnet/SC would not become active.

  • Reading BBMD settings in devices could fail with a very long timeout. One reason for failing has been fixed and the process can be stopped manually when it takes too much time.

Several bugfixes and small improvements



  • Changed installation options for dongle driver because dongle would otherwise not be recognized in fresh installs.


New Feature:

  • "Batch" mode for execution of BACeye from the command line.


  • Updated dongle driver for compatibility with newer Windows updates.

  • Added option to use confirmed COV instead of unconfirmed COV.

  • Improved display of IP addresses in network port objects.

  • New dialog for editing of BBMD configuration in network port objects.

Several bugfixes and small improvements

Version 2020-12-18

New Feature:

  • Support for BACnet Secure Connect.

  • Support for BACnet Protocol Revision 22.

  • Offline view of snapshot.

  • Custom unit name configuration for display in GUI and export in EDE.


  • EDE export format update to version 2.3 of EDE specification

  • Windows VPN supported in Interface Selection.

Several bugfixes

Version 2020-12-10


  • New dongle driver required for Windows 10 update 2004.


  • Schedule object display combined effect of weekly and exception schedule. 

Several bugfixes


New Feature:

  • French translation of BACeye user interface available 


  • Additional features for the Plugin Framework


  • Removed excessive delays in device scan when trying to discover BBMD over BACnet router 

Several bugfixes

Version 2017-10-30

New Feature:

  • Acknowledgement of alarms from object details dialog

  • Acknowledgement of alarms from alarm summarization dialogs 

  • Plugin Framework for future Plugins

  • Support for BACnet alarmSummary

  • New optional Column "Prio" (current command priority) in list of objects


  • Optimized handling of FileObjects

  • object filters are preserved across devices

  • a number of refactorings to improve the speed and reduce latencies.

Several bugfixes


New Feature:

  • Create&Delete Object

  • The Logbuffer chart can be switched to different styles 

  • BACeye can search for BBMDs on the network

  • Read and write FileObject types


  • Improved display of StatusFlags

  • Improved handling of CalendarReferences in ExceptionSchedules

  • Improved dialog for alarming

  • Column "Description" can be used in object list

  • Improved Copy&Paste from object list

  • Parameter "AliveCheck" can now be configured

  • Improved GUI for property tab

  • Text mapping for proprietary objects and properties

  • Manual SlaveAdressBinding can be edited for Device objects

  • Better handling of temporary unreachable devices

Several bugfixes.


New Feature:

  • Create&Delete Object

  • The Logbuffer chart can be switched to different styles 

  • BACeye can search for BBMDs on the network

  • Read and write FileObject types


  • Improved display of StatusFlags

  • Improved handling of CalendarReferences in ExceptionSchedules

  • Improved dialog for alarming

  • Column "Description" can be used in object list

  • Improved Copy&Paste from object list

  • Parameter "AliveCheck" can now be configured

  • Improved GUI for property tab

  • Text mapping for proprietary objects and properties

  • Manual SlaveAdressBinding can be edited for Device objects

  • Better handling of temporary unreachable devices

Several bugfixes.

Version 2016-02-03

New Feature:

  • BACeye now implements BACnet revision 14!

  • BACeye does conform to the B-OWS profile!

  • Watchlist - Logging and export functionality for all properties

  • Device management functionality (Reinitialize Device, Device Communication Control, Time synchronization)

  • CSV Export of all properties. In addition to the EDE export you can now configure your own set of properties which you want to be written to the CSV File!

  • Logging of Network communication - Capture the network communication for later analysis.

  • Comfort dialog for BACnet comandability. Configure your PriorityArray within one step!

  • Trendlog, TrendlogMultiple, EventLog - Read: all, by range, by position, by SequenceNumber, by ReferenceSequenceNumber, by count.

  • GetEventInformation

  • WritePropertyMultiple

  • Comfort handling for proprietary objects. Configure names for object and property IDs and BACeye will show the names of the proprietary objects and properties whenever they appear.

Improvement of overall stability.

Version 2016-02-03

New Feature:

  • BACeye now implements BACnet revision 14!

  • BACeye does conform to the B-OWS profile!

  • Watchlist - Logging and export functionality for all properties

  • Device management functionality (Reinitialize Device, Device Communication Control, Time synchronization)

  • CSV Export of all properties. In addition to the EDE export you can now configure your own set of properties which you want to be written to the CSV File!

  • Logging of Network communication - Capture the network communication for later analysis.

  • Comfort dialog for BACnet comandability. Configure your PriorityArray within one step!

  • Trendlog, TrendlogMultiple, EventLog - Read: all, by range, by position, by SequenceNumber, by ReferenceSequenceNumber, by count.

  • GetEventInformation

  • WritePropertyMultiple

  • Comfort handling for proprietary objects. Configure names for object and property IDs and BACeye will show the names of the proprietary objects and properties whenever they appear.

Improvement of overall stability.